Posts tagged groupon
Groupon Central Walkthrough
0Groupon Central is the neat little internal tool I have been working on recently that makes everyone’s job easier and ensures everyone’s problems and questions get to the proper place. Check out the brief walkthrough below! There really isn’t any user benefit other than us employees being able to streamline getting things done.
Yeah…. well I lied…
0Sorry, I have not been able to update with the new projects – they are finished, just not launched. As soon as the powers that be throws them out there, I will be able to put them up here. They should be coming out very soon, so keep an eye out. Below is a sample of one of the cooler ones.
Groupon Central
Groupon Central is an internal tool for all the US employees to easily send out messages to the right person. This app is PHP and a lot of AJAX, that will guide them to the right place. Set up with Google Authentication, I get their personal information when they go to the site, allowing me to personalize the site for them in their job role.
More to come on this soon.
Groupon: In the News – Press Blog
0Groupon’s press blog was probably the least troublesome site I launched yet. My portion of the project started as the production manager. I only had to make sure the space was there and get the site online. But, when the person working on the site got pulled to a different project, the whole thing fell into my lap. This sounds as if it would be a pain, but it was actually a pretty easy-going site. A good chunk of the design work was already completed, and all that was required of me was to fine-tune the design based on what was wanted, and develop custom modules for the site.
This project also forced me to learn how to work and integrate a site with an Amazon S3 server, which was an interesting experience. I also have to deal with hundreds and hundreds of videos and determine the best hosting solution for them, which as of now is looking to be a mixture of Amazon S3 and LimeLight.
I would share a link, but the video use-licenses on the page prohibit publicly sharing. As soon as that changes, however, I will share.
The Tech Mumbo-Jumbo
Since I am anticipating this site to get a rather decent amount of traffic, I decided to run this off of a MediaTemple VE server, which I happen to like since it gives you full control of the box and you don’t have to worry about some proprietary piece of software fubaring the whole machine. The site is running off of a rather out-of-the-box installation of wordpress with just a few tweaks to allow for heavy traffic and integration between S3 and LimeLight. I also incorporated a partially-custom chromeless video player into the sidebar that can be edited to show any youtube video the editors may want to play.
0As this site is a constant work-in-progress, but has gotten to a point where I can honestly call it finished. I built this site from the ground up using a very customized foundation of the Drupal content management system. This site was designed by Lucian Slatineanu, a design contractor at Groupon, and developed solely by myself using PHP, SQL, HTML, and CSS.
Throughout the progression of this site, I have been challenged by several tasks, one of the most complicated of which was my being new to drupal, but I was able to overcome all of those and build a sturdy website, one that has never crashed, even though it is our second most visited site, seconded by, of course.
Feel free to take a look around and let me know if you have any questions. As this particular site has taken up quite a lot of my time at this job, this will not be the first post on it, there is more to come.
Happy coding,